Testimonials from Past Event Photography Clients:
“Oh my, what beautiful-luscious photographs. In going through the slideshow I was amazed by every aspect of the event you captured so fabulously. Not only the wonderful restaurant offerings, the chefs and others but you captured the joy of the event, the fun and fellowship and coming together of the Boca Grande community to raise funds to feed families. I appreciate you donating your time and talent every year. You truly are a Master Photographer! Thank You, Thank You!”
Joyce H. Jacobs
Taste of Boca Event, Boca Grande, FL
“Just want to thank you so much for the great photos of the Green Gala. You really have a beautiful way of capturing the essence of the night. You have such a gift and we appreciate you sharing of your time and talents to BIPS.”
Pam Pierce, Event Coordinator
BIPS Green Gala Event, Boca Grande, FL